Women in the world spend $ 20 trillion on consumption

By Unknown on الأربعاء، 20 يونيو 2012 with 0 comments

Women in the world spend $ 20 trillion on consumption

Steve Hamilton Said , Clark, CEO of the company «TNS» Middle East and North Africa, the women in the world spend more than $ 20 trillion on consumption, and it must be to marketers at regional level to move to understand the rapid development of habits and desires of Arab women in relation to purchasing .

He explained that the research conducted recently in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, revealed that the technology, education and media work to motivate women, they seek to gain respect in all aspects of life, driven by trends and external pressures, including the growth of small families and an increased desire to expand the circle of social networks.

He added that the figures indicate that 29% of women feel that their technology provides a means for self-expression, and 32% of them think that it will provide them with the power of information and knowledge, and 30% enjoy the community aspect of communication over the Internet.

Clark and Hamilton cited a study carried out by the Arabs as consumers of his company, he said, results revealed that the main aspiration is to enjoy freedom and self-expression and gain respect and acceptance of public beauty, as well as an increasing tendency toward attention to health and wellness.

He went on to say "study revealed that 48% of the posts where they feel that women in the labor force made up mainly economically, and 44% perceive that getting a job affect the self-confidence and self-esteem."


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